Friday, December 9, 2011


1.)honestly yes they seem very human because they asking if I'm hot or if I'm legal which is weird.
2.)i asked them if where are they from and they say I'm from Australia and they replied that where are you from and i replied new york and they say where new york and i say on earth and he was like wheres earth so it seem suspicious i don't know i just want to see what they would say
3.)i don't know but my comment about the machine is way to go the future is almost here.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

human rights

1.)the right to freedom, the right to life, the right to trail, the right to privacy, the right to your own things.
2.)the right that were violated was, the freedom right,the right to democracy,worker rights,the right for food and shelter,the right to education,and finally a fair and free world.
3.)i would not change anything because its showing the people how different the world really is for immigrants and showing how we can change it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


1. what is the game about? its about 4 teenagers who have a story tell about how at a certain age teens think about sex and how sometimes its unsafe and how protected you must be.
2.the choices i made is to love your childhood friend because who knows and who live you more than him/her.
3.the is important to know about sex and tried to be safe and protected when you have it (sex).
4.nothing should be improve it should stay the same its teaching an important lesson throughout it.